So, how'd you like the BarlowGirl book?
I had a great time this spring writing a book for my nieces, BarlowGirl. It ain't War and Peace, but More Than Music is a nice little look at the backstory of what I'd consider a great band even if I weren't related (or sorta on the payroll...) It's the first full-length (okay, it's 150 pages, but that's definitely bigger than a pamphlet) book I've ever written and it's left me wanting to write more. If you had a chance to read it, I'd love to know what you thought. Feel free to leave a comment below (unless, of course, you want to rip me, in which case, feel free to pass.)
I bought the book for my girls several months ago. They liked it so much, they gave it to me to read. Usually, I'm the book pusher, telling them, "Read this, it'll be good for you."
They might as well have said that to me. I just finished the book tonight and was slammed by the honesty and the practical walk with Christ. I confess I especially like the passages where the BGirls appreciated their parents' input and accountability. Rare and beautiful stuff.
Thanks for putting it together. We do you write the next one? *grin*
Pat Harrell
I'll keep in touch and add you to my Blogger links.
God bless you!