What is APB Creative: A Q&A

Q1. What is APB Creative?
A1. Well, it’s a place to discover some of the creative output of Andrew Barlow.
Q2. Who is Andrew Barlow?
A2. In short, I’m a guy in Austin, Texas who digs creative people. Every once in a while, I spend enough time around them to come up with a creative idea of my own.
Q3. How do you make a living?
A3. Until recently, I was one of the pastors at Lake Hills Church, a remarkable place where disproportionately gifted people congregate to figure out how to worship God in every aspect of their life. My two goals were to 1) get people in the door and 2) create an environment that makes it easier to learn what God wants to tell them.
Q4. What will I find here?
A4. Mostly examples of stuff I’ve done, both singly and in collaboration with some amazing people.
Q5. What won’t I find here?
A5. Theological tirades, pictures of nekkid people or the assertion that I know the only absolute answer to anything. (I have some pretty strong beliefs on the whole Jesus thing, but I’m guessing you’d expect that having read A3 above. Don’t tune me out though—I’m always up for a good offline discussion.)
Q6. So, does everything on this site belong to you?
A6. Does anyone own the air? Can you own a man’s spirit? Wait, wrong discussion. No, not everything on this site belongs to me. Where it is my intellectual property, I’ll tell you. However, I have always worked best in a collaborative creative environment, so you’ll see attribution on almost everything I do.
Q7. Any unhealthy obsessions?
A7. You say unhealthy obsession, I say well-merited interest. Tomato/tomahto. One could make the argument that I pay a little too much attention to Notre Dame football. Don’t judge me because God made me this way (not long after he created the University of Notre Dame and those shiny gold helmets. Mmmm…football.)
Q8. So, give us your key numbers…A8. 40-yrs-old, 12th of 14 kids, 16 years of Catholic education (including four years on the hallowed soil of South Bend), eight years in the Navy after college (I fought a war you know), one great wife, three remarkable kids, my social security number is…hey, wait a second…you tried to trick me.
Q9. Did not.
A9. Did too.
Q10. Did not, did not, did not.
A10. Did too, did too, did too.
Q11. Stop it. This is childish.
A11. You’re childish.
Q12. Can we get back to the Q&A? Please?
A12. If you insist…you big baby.
Q13. I heard that. Now, how can people contact you?
A13. Leave a comment in the box below and the system will email me. I'll get back to you ASAP.
Q14. And your social security number is…?
A14. I knew it. This Q&A is so over. I’m going to have to ask you to leave. Wait..I mean, don’t leave, stick around, check out the site. Have a sandwich, whatever. You’re my guest :)
Q15. Did you just use a smiley face?A15. Nope. They’re childish. You should know.


Didn't know you were blogging.
I didn't know about orisinal.
I think the words original and sin might be in there. You might be careful. :)
Anonymous said…
Andrew Barlow - Wow! What a fun journey you are on! I didn't know how else to contact you... I was updating my resume and work history and realized you weren't at LHC anymore, so then I did a little search and look what I found. So much has happened in these years... seems like you and your family are very well. I'm glad to see it. Heather (Nash) Porter (hknash21@msn.com)

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